When choosing The Boiler Guys, You will see our work speaks for itself.
You can rely on us as we are here to support you.
Today’s high performance boilers requires proper maintenance to ensure the longevity of your system. In fact, most boiler manufacturers have it written in their warranty that it should be maintained by a professional.
Only The Boiler Guys have the proper training to clean and maintain your system. Here is why.
The Boiler Guys is not a “HVAC” company. We specialize in Boilers period.
Your average HVAC installer claims to install and maintain everything. Have you had one of these people clean your boiler? What did they do? Most HVAC installers simply vacuum out the bottom of your boilers and dust off your burners and charge you with a bill. That is not a proper boiler cleaning.
Every boiler manufacture recommends specific process and brushes to clean the inside of the boiler. Ask us how? We even provide you with a before and after picture or video of the inside of the boiler.
A boiler cleaning is important to ensure that the carbon monoxide is at safe levels. Schedule your boiler cleaning today. Our service technician are highly skilled, qualified boiler experts. Our commitment to you to ensure that you have safe, clean boiler.
Gas Boiler Cleaning
- Carbon Monoxide test
- Vacuuming and cleaning of burners
- Test unit in operation and assembled properly
- Full disassembly of boiler to access heat exchanger
- Detailed cleaning of heat exchanger with manufactured tools
- Reassembly of boiler
At The Boiler Guys, we have financing available through Vista Credit. Join the thousands of Canadians that love our financing program with excellent rates. You can get your new boiler and radiant system for monthly rates at no down payment options. We have financing and rental options available for anywhere up to $1M for any renovation home improvements, boiler installation and radiant heating.