When choosing The Boiler Guys, You will see our work speaks for itself.
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Nothing can perform better than General-Aire Steam Humidifiers in Toronto
When it comes to humidifying your home, nothing can perform better than a General-Aire Steam Humidifier. These humidifiers do not require any ductwork and can be placed in your basement and a remote blower can be installed anywhere in your house. It provides up to 30 gallons a day humidification. When air becomes too dry, moisture is drawn from people, plants, wood, wool, cotton and even your pets. The results can be damaging, expensive, uncomfortable and unhealthy.
Many doctors recommend humidifiers for allergy and asthma sufferers. Research has shown that 40% to 60% relative humidity is ideal for today’s homes. Outside this range, bacteria, fungi, viruses and mites thrive.
Maintaining proper relative humidity provides a comfortable environment for your woodwork, your furniture, your plants, your pets and especially you and your family. Trust The Boiler Guys for a proper calculation and installation for your home in Toronto.
At The Boiler Guys, we have financing available through Vista Credit. Join the thousands of Canadians that love our financing program with excellent rates. You can get your new boiler and radiant system for monthly rates at no down payment options. We have financing and rental options available for anywhere up to $1M for any renovation home improvements, boiler installation and radiant heating.